Continuously updated weather reports and webcam from Burnie- Jamie Campbell's Aero events
Interstate flying events- excellent presentation and very up-to-date- The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia
AOPA support the interests of all aircraft owners and pilots, including GA.- Recreational Aviation Australia Incorporated
For those interested in flying in a friendly environment - just for the sheer fun of it - or in building or buying their own aircraft- Aviation Fuel Finder
This is going to very handy in twenty years or so.- Pilot Briefing
I thought pilot briefing was a pilot putting his underpants on, so I haven't looked at this link... - Weather information service:
VHF 133.35 kHz (Wynyard) 133.225 kHz (Devonport)
Weather links
Aviation Weather
BOM Aviation Weather Services Home Page
BOM Area Forecast for Tasmania (Area 70)
BOM Tasmania/Southern Victoria Radar Loop
Weatherzone BOM Meteograms
BOM Wynyard 3-day Meteogram (surface temp+rain)
BOM General Narrative Forecasts
BOM Cradle Valley 7-day Forecast
BOM George Town 7-day Forecast
Visible Sat Pics
Infrared Sat Pics
Current Tasmanian Observations
Current Wynyard Observation (WOW)
Synoptic Maps